The mission of West Virginians for Life is to promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, from the time of fertilization until natural death. The West Virginians for Life Political Action Committee is the political arm of West Virginians for Life and pursues its mission by supporting pro-life office holders and candidates for political office.

It’s been said that elections have consequences and that every vote matters. At West Virginians for Life, we know how true that is for the most vulnerable among us. By supporting pro-life leaders for elected office, we believe that we can protect the first among human rights for every person, born and pre-born.

West Virginians for Life has helped pass many life saving pieces of legislation to protect unborn children and their families.

  • Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
  • Women’s Right to Know Act
  • Unborn Victims of Violence Act
  • Ultrasound Option Requirement
  • Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
  • Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act
  • Parent’s Right to Know
  • Telemedicine Exemption for Abortion
  • West Virginia Constitutional Amendment
  • Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
  • Unborn Child with Down Syndrome Protection and Education Act
  • HB 302, the bill to clarify WV abortion laws, which protects unborn babies and their mothers from the horror of abortion

This body of laws would not be possible without pro-life legislatures who passed them. These legislatures deserve our thanks and support. For your legislature’s contact information or voting records visit

Endorsed candidates are now found on the page by entering the voter’s address.

To view more information on these laws or to become a member, please visit the West Virginians for Life main website at

Procedures of the WVFL Political Action Committee (WVFL PAC)

The most effective way for a pro-life group to influence the outcome of elections is to support pro-life candidates by directly endorsing them so other pro-lifers will know who to vote for.  However, WVFL and its chapters cannot endorse candidates. 

This is why West Virginians for Life has an “internal” Political Action Committee (WVL-PAC). WVL- PAC can endorse one candidate over another.  WVL-PAC is governed by strict federal and state laws.  It has the following requirements:

  1. All members of West Virginians for Life (WVFL), a (c)(4) organization, are automatically also members of the PAC.  A member must have donated to the organization within the last 15 months.
  2. The Board of Directors of West Virginians for Life is also the Board for the PAC.  All major decisions are made by the Board.  Only WVL- PAC may endorse candidates. (WVFL and its chapters may not endorse candidates!)
  3. Only members of West Virginians for Life may receive solicitations for donations to the PAC.  Non-members are not prohibited from giving to the PAC. The PAC is managed by the officers:  President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  It is their responsibility to see to it that all laws and regulations are followed and to carry on the business of the PAC.  All of the officers are appointed by the President of the Board of WVFL.   Generally, the Executive Committee of the PAC is the same as that of WVFL. They establish procedural guidelines and see to it that surveys are sent to all candidates so that PAC endorsements may be made for each election.  

Endorsement decisions are made by the board of WVFL-PAC under the direction of the Executive Committee of the PAC.  Separate endorsements are made for the primary and general elections in each election cycle.  Different factors affect the decision in each case.

The purpose of making endorsements for candidates for public office is to help to ensure that those elected are pro-life and will work to uphold principles supported by WVFL. 

Representatives with seniority are in a better position to help with pro-life legislation, and candidates who have worked to support pro-life legislation expect their efforts to be recognized by the pro-life organization.  For these reasons, pro-life incumbents are given priority for endorsement.

WVFL-PAC is not obligated to endorse in any specific race or may endorse multiple candidates in a single race.  If endorsement is given, a number of issues are taken into consideration.  Decisions for endorsement always consider the positions of the other candidates in the race.  One of our goals is to prevent the election of strongly pro-abortion candidates.

For non-incumbent candidates, it is necessary to have the completed candidate questionnaire in order for us to make endorsement decisions.  For incumbent candidates, the candidate questionnaire is secondary to actual performance in office.

All endorsement decisions are made in conjunction with information from the lobbying staff and the chapter leaders.  Each WVFL chapter leader is asked to personally make contact with all candidates in their area.  The input from chapter leaders to the officers of the PAC is very important in determining PAC endorsements.

Other factors considered in the endorsement decisions are:  the candidate’s viability, past leadership in support of pro-life legislation, membership on legislative committees, and past cooperation with WVFL lobbying efforts. No candidate will be supported who is a convicted felon or who has given indication of ineligibility due to improper behavior or life style.

Any concerns about procedures and policies of the PAC should be brought to the attention of the Board at any regularly scheduled Board Meeting.  Questions regarding PAC activities can be addressed to the WVFL state office (304-594-9845).